9 - Dol Guldur 3 - Terracotta Trolls

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9 - Dol Guldur 3 - Terracotta Trolls

Post by Jon »

I was not at this session. It was a very tough battle from all that I have heard, with no loot to be had. The terracotta guardians of Dol Guldur have all been very tough.

Ariel received this letter:
Hey, Ariel,

First, some news came through to you to the party from Radagast, who expressed concern about what lies within Dol Guldur. Both he and Celeborn sense that there is a highly evil being, possibly a ancient blue Draco-lich (well beyond the capabilities of the party to deal with), within its depths.

Second, maybe you didn’t want to be there after all. The two Olag-Hai troll terracotta, each 170+ HP and resistant to most types of damage absorbed well over 600 hit points from the party prior to their demise. They did a massive amount of damage of their own, sending the front line fighters flying back prone against the walls behind. Nasty critters, those guys.

The hallway where they party fought the terracotta eventually ramps around in a downward spiral, something like a parking garage ramp but no opening in the center. After some recon using Aria’s Truesight to detect secret doors (on a natural 20!) and Capella’s Clairvoyance, the party discovered a huge chasm behind (trapped) secret doors that goes *way* down to who knows where in the depths of the dungeon. They also got a peek into the remaining door off of the main level, leading into a 20’x40’ room with 3 sets of doors leading off from it.
I am hearing rumors that a Blue Dracolich! (and perhaps more) still remain in the depths of Dol Guldur.
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